Document Management System (DMS)

Document Management System module in eQMS Software, intended to controls and organizes documents throughout an organization. It incorporates various activities like document creation, review, approval, editing, version control, document issuance and retrieve documents.  Also, the processes used to track, store, and control documents.

  • New document requests are initiated and sent for approval.
  • Document number is generated automatically.
  • By uploading the document, formats, annexures, references requests can be submitted.
  • Document request is approved based on work flow.
  • Adhoc training is created automatically.
  • Training is given and certificates are given if required.
  • Publish requests are submitted for approval.
  • Document is made effective before printing.
  • Documents are issued and received.
  • Documents are automatically returned and approved based approved based on the work flow before retrieved.
  • As the documents are physical and stored physically, there are high chances of losing them.
  • As many people from different departments are involved in creating a document, it consumes a lot of time.
  • It is difficult to track versions.
  • No auto alerts/reminders.
  • Manually training the employees is not possible when a new document is created.
  • Document issuance, print tracking, Retrieval of the issued document are major challenges in manual document management system.
  • Users can create templates based on their requirement one time and can be used.
  • Document number is populated automatically based on the setup.
  • Before a document is made effective, it is reviewed by multiple who can give comments.
  • You can control who can take prints and number of copies they can take of the document.
  • Version number is generated automatically.
  • Different documents can be compared.
  • History of the documents can be seen.
  • Documents are stored safely without fear of losing them.
  • Versions can be tracked easily.
  • When a new document is created, a training session is automatically created in LMS.
  • People from different departments and different plants can easily collaborate to make a new document.
  • The document process can be designed based on the SOPs of the customer.
  • Automatic emails/notifications are sent to avoid missing deadlines.
  • It is easier for various people involved in creating a new document to work together.
  • It is easier to retrieve documents.
  • It is easier to spot missing copies as the number of copies issued is recorded.
  • All data is stored on a secure server with recovery and backup capabilities.
  • Most recent documents can be tracked are versions are updated effectively.

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