Calibration Management System

The Calibration Management Software handle the Instrument and Equipment Master Management and it automates the manual processes of Annual and Monthly Calibration Plans of Internal and External which includes the Calibration of Instruments / Equipment’s and their usage.

  • Once annual calibration is submitted, it is reviewed by HOD, QA Coordinator.
  • After approval by QA, a calibration request is initiated.
  • This is reviewed by GL/HOD.
  • Master instrument is received if required.
  • Calibration data, raw data& certificated are submitted.
  • Incase the calibration fails, Investigation is done.
  • The instrument is rechecked and recalibrated after approval if required.
  • The calibration result and external certificates are reviewed and approved.
  • Incase the calibration fails, change control/deviation/break-down is prepared based on requirement.
  • The calibration is completed once the annual calibration is updated.
  • Maintaining calibration activities on excel can be difficult when there are too many instruments.
  • Sometimes you might miss calibration cycles or do calibration when it is not required.
  • When calibration schedules are missed, it leads to deviations.
  • Instruments which are not calibrated will have a major impact on quality of the product.
  • With the help of annual plans, you can calibrate the instruments on time.
  • Chances of missing calibration can be avoided.
  • Calibration plans can be prepared annually, monthly and weekly.
  • History of the equipment can be tracked.
  • Calibration Records can be maintained up to date.
  • Status can be tracked easily.

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